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Aug 12, 20249 min read
Elven Magic and the Divine in Sidarhael
Welcome to Sidarhael, a realm where elven magic and the divine are deeply intertwined, shaping the very fabric of elven society across three
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Jul 11, 20243 min read
Sidarhael Dragonchess
Sidarhael Dragonchess is a deeply strategic and spiritually enriching game rooted in the ancient traditions of the elven realms. The game is
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Jun 27, 20242 min read
Not Fogotten - The Vaingate Chronicles
It's with a heavy heart that I have to officially announce the end of our long-running D&D stream set in Sidarhael, The Vaingate Chronicles.
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Sep 2, 20232 min read
Today's Player Spotlight: Johanna Grotenhuis
Emerging from the picturesque province of New Brunswick, Canada, Johanna Grotenhuis embarked on her acting journey at the age of 21. . .
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Aug 30, 20231 min read
Player Spotlight: Caitlin Flower
Today's Player Spotlight: Caitlin Abigail Louise Flower Starting out on the comedy podcast Dungeons and Dipshits with fellow professional...
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Aug 23, 20232 min read
Mapping on Inkarnate
A Deep Dive into Map-Making in Sidarhael: A few weeks ago, I sat down in front of Inkarnate for the first time in a long time, with the...
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Aug 21, 20232 min read
What is Rolestream?!
Rolestream is a vibrant community of role-playing enthusiasts, offering live-streamed games, forums, blogs, etc
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Max Easey
May 28, 202114 min read
Letter #18: Vitriol
Dear Maria, Shaken by the peculiar customs these goblins hold and by the vile words spat at us by this Iglot fellow – though Adrik, our...
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Max Easey
May 22, 202117 min read
Letter #17: Oaths and Omens
Dear Maria, Sleep did noy come easy to me, but with having transmuted Tupp into a badger – a creature more akin to my liking – and with...
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Max Easey
May 11, 20219 min read
Letter #16: Battles and Hard Truths
Dear Maria, Once all of us, this Brixton’s Bunch, had gathered and spent some time enjoying the environment of the forests of Sidha’lach...
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Max Easey
May 11, 202113 min read
Letter #15: A Narrow Escape
Dear Maria, At the resolution of my last entry to you, we had just received stunning news of the amount we were to be awarded for our...
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Max Easey
May 11, 202110 min read
Letter #14: Death is Only the Beginning
Dear Maria, You are no doubt shocked by the demise with which our antagonistic mage foe fell by; that malicious, sneering, loathsome...
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Max Easey
Apr 4, 202110 min read
Letter #13: Building Bridges to Burn
Dear Maria, Much of import has occurred in these last few hours. I shall try to keep it concise for, due to an unforeseen and immediate...
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Max Easey
Mar 23, 202110 min read
Letter #12: Brixton's Bunch
Dear Maria, There appears not a single day that can go by without an endless sense of shameful embarrassment or a wave of regret and...
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Max Easey
Mar 15, 20217 min read
Letter #11: Part Two: Friendship is Magic
Dear Maria, I had not finished the tales of the day when I abruptly ended the last letter. I felt it pertinent not to overwhelm you, for...
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Max Easey
Mar 15, 202114 min read
Letter #11: Part One: This Nucleus of Destruction
My Dearest Maria, Perhaps I should put in place a series of events should my demise come earlier than anticipated. I would not call it...
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Max Easey
Mar 6, 202110 min read
Letter #10: Pure Gluttony and Debauchery
Dear Maria, I should preface this letter by stating that this entry is filled with pure gluttony and debauchery. There little to no is...
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Max Easey
Feb 27, 202112 min read
Letter #9: An Audience
Dear Maria, I have done it! I have finally sent off my letters to you! I’m sure by the time you are reading this, it will have been some...
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Max Easey
Feb 25, 202113 min read
Letter #8: Return to the Surface
Dear Maria, For the past three or so letters, you have read of nothing but our exploits in these Ostorian ruins hidden within – what I...
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Aug 19, 20205 min read
Mythic Role Playing
I don't want to go too far into the details of the mythology and world of Sidarhael because I don't want to give away any big spoilers...
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